coming soon

We apologise for being away for so long. We are temporarily closed as we search for a suitable property in Leytonstone, our home. For updates, please sign up for our mailing list or check back for new and accurate information. You can also reach out to us, and we will send you further updates.

We are also active on Facebook, so be sure to like our page for the latest news and to stay connected.

Additionally, we are planning to hold some get-togethers, and we’d love to hear from you—we’ve been missing you!

Sending you all our warmest wishes from Team Star Of India and Shah, your host and friend.

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity of creating fine Indian dishes yourself by providing you with a range of our recipes which can be downloaded and printed.

This list of recipes will be developed over time and to view any one simply follow the link provided.

Scroll down or use the links provided on the left to find the recipe you are after

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Mint Sauce with Yoghurt


  • Fresh mint - two tablespoonfuls
  • finely chopped Root ginger - small piece
  • grated Green chili - finely chopped
  • Lime juice (juice of one lime)
  • Tea spoon of a blend of rape seed and mustard oil
  • Plain yoghurt (500ml)
  • Salt to taste
  • One table spoon of Sugar


With a pestle and mortar blend the mint, garlic, ginger and chili Add the mixture to the yoghurt in a bowl. Now add the blend of oils, lime juice and salt and sugar Mix with a whisk to blend well Serve with chopped coriander sprinkled on top Best served chilled (Can also be used as a marinade)