grilled, tandoori or pan-fried
Fish is delicate, the use of spices and cooking must be careful. Served with fresh green salad; grilled tomato and pepper sauce. This salad you will enjoy even on its own as it is flavoured with garlic, coriander, tamarind and drizzled with mustered oil.
Pan-Fried Sea Bass
Pan-Fried Cod
Grilled Salmon
Salmon Tandoori
Salmon Shashlick
poached / curried (in a sauce)
Here we present dishes from different regions. The fish purchased in Bangladesh are very different from those available here, so these recipes have been adapted to suit western tastes. Cooked with layers of spices and herbs with fine technique and expertise, the next step is only determined by the completed perfection of the previous step. They all differ in taste and flavours according to the herbs and spices chosen from different regions and styles. The different ingredients are listed next to each dish. Different chilli's are for flavours but does have a zing to it! I do recommend to that you taste the original version first before you ask for hotter versions.