coming soon

We apologise for being away for so long. We are temporarily closed as we search for a suitable property in Leytonstone, our home. For updates, please sign up for our mailing list or check back for new and accurate information. You can also reach out to us, and we will send you further updates.

We are also active on Facebook, so be sure to like our page for the latest news and to stay connected.

Additionally, we are planning to hold some get-togethers, and we’d love to hear from you—we’ve been missing you!

Sending you all our warmest wishes from Team Star Of India and Shah, your host and friend.

The Star of India, Leytonstone, takes pride in being able to invite its customers to special events and charity fund raisers.

Here you find out the latest news about the Star of India and some of our events, past and upcoming.

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Container Return Scheme
Star of India Container Return Scheme

Take part in our return scheme for our take-away plastic containers. 

Every take-away container and lid (together) can be returned to us in exchange for 10p. 

At the Star we already recycle over 50% of our waste, and our plastic bags disintegrate within 6 months of being thrown away. 

Some of our drivers either have fully electric of hybrid cars to help offset our carbon emissions!

The return scheme is another example of how we are trying to do our part for the environment. 

Containers can be given to our drivers (as they make a delivery to you) or can be brought directly to our restaurant. 


*All reused containers are quality checked and thoroughly cleaned. Containers that do not meet our standards are recycled by us.