Registered Charity number: 1137800
In September 2010, The Cygnus Trust received official registration from the Charities Commission, giving Shah Ahmed (owner of Star of India) and his co-Trustees the necessary endorsement and integrity to fulfil their fundraising ambitions in support of local charities and community groups.
As Charity Founder, Cygnus is the fulfilment of Shah Ahmed's long-term personal ambition to do more for the community. As many in the community know, Shah has always been delighted to support many local fundraising initiatives through the provision of funds, food and restaurant space. As an officially recognised charity in its own right, Cygnus provides the necessary vehicle for him and his Trustees to do even more for the community.
The object of the Charity is to work for "the prevention or relief of poverty for the public benefit" through the provision of grants and donations to local groups and charities or other organisations working for public benefit. This means that Cygnus will make modest grants to other charities or voluntary organisations (not individuals) based in Waltham Forest, Newham and Redbridge and beneficiaries may include the disadvantaged, people with disabilities, the environment, educational establishments and community projects. For more information about who can benefit and how to apply, please go to our website
Cygnus will raise money by organising a programme of events throughout the year and by soliciting voluntary donations. The Trustees would like the fundraising programme to be as varied and exciting as possible. There will of course be lots of events at the Star of India but ideas from everyone are welcomed, whether it’s a sponsored jog, a cup cake party, an art exhibition or small raffle, all efforts will be most appreciated.
People are encouraged to become members of the trust at an annual fee of £20 which can be paid monthly or annually. The members receive regular updates on events, with first priority on popular events, as well as information on how much we have raised.
As Shah Ahmed says: "The more we do as a community – the more we can help those in crisis or in need. I am very proud to be part of Cygnus and with my team of Trustees will work hard to make our Charity work for you."
For further information please contact: Jeanne Holland at Holland Young Associates
020 8536 9939: email:
The Cygnus Trust registered charity number: 1137800
Registered address:
6 Gainsborough Road
E11 1HT